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Wave Pool Session

Sunday mornings are meant for relaxing.  In our case that relaxing means SUP surfing in the wave pool of West Edmonton Mall.
We had a great 90 minute session for invited board owners and then a 90 minute open, flat water demo.
The Surf session was a small group of 10,  so many waves were had by all.
The Flat Water demo attracted 27 newbies and raised $135. for the Edmonton Food Bank (the $5. per person fee is all being donated at the end of the year).

Thanks to all that came out and  ”relaxed” with us.
It was a great success and we are hoping to do these half surf / half flat water demo sessions every month – all  winter long.

Delmer taking it "easy"
Delmer taking it "easy"
Brett catching a ride.
Brett catching a ride.
Griffin getting ready for his ride.
Griffin getting ready for his ride.
Warren trying out the new Starboard 11'2" Blend in AST White
Warren trying out the new Starboard 11'2" Blend in AST White
Group Shot!
Group Shot!
Sunanda show how easy SUP is - first time on a board.
Sunanda show how easy SUP is - first time on a board.