Creature Kimbel Manor VX Deck


Only 1 left in stock

SKU: Cre832401 Categories: ,


Meet the fiends and neighbours of the Creature Manor VX Pro Series. See who’s Lurking  in the ‘cuzzi for an awkwardly good time on Willis’ 9.35″ shaped deck. Plenty o’ folks at this Manor to get weird with on this killer VX Pro board with tweaked graphics by @dustinmyersart.  VX decks are thinner, stronger, and have more pop than standard 7 ply decks featuring 5 plies of North American Maple and 2 layers of Quad X technology.

Length: 31.7″

Width:  9.35″

Wheelbase:  15.25″

Other Numbers:

 Nose: 5.95″

Tail: 6.2505″

Shape:  DL-29-VX