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SUP Camping

Wanting to prove the versatility of Stand Up Paddle boards, my son and I went SUP Camping on the September long weekend.
A 3 km paddle to an uninhabited island in Lac La Biche was our destination.
The paddle over was beautiful – absolute glass.
Once our camp was set up we went exploring on the island, seeing a Bald Eagle  and two White Tail Deer.
Then it was time for a fire on the beach and a dinner of hot dogs and marsh mellows.

We awoke the next morning to rain and wind.
Packing up quickly and heading for home we ran straight into a 25 knot head wind.
I ended up passing my leash to my son – and towed him back for the worst part.
Our easy paddle of 20 minutes over the day before was now a struggle to make it home and ended up taking over an hour and a half.
The hot chocolate back at the cabin tasted real good!

(click on the pictures to see them in full size)

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Thursday Nights – River Paddle

SUP on the North Sask. River!
From now until the ice comes – meet at 6:30 PM at Emily Murphy Park in Edmonton right by the south end of the Groat Road Bridge.
We generally paddle upstream to the foot bridge and then coast back to the Park.

Approximately 50 to 60 minutes upstream and maximum 20 minutes back.

Bring your Board and Paddle  - AND a Leash and come out for a fun / social  paddle on the river.

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2nd Annual Easy Rider – river race and tour – Recap

The 2nd Annual Easy Rider Stand Up Paddleboard Race and Tour on the North Saskatchewan River through Edmonton, AB.

Beginning at Laurier Park, the weather looked a little threatening at the start with a good head wind for the initial 1.75 km until the first bend in the river.  From there the winds eased up, and only a few sprinkles of rain fell about 30 minutes into the race.   The rain blew over quickly, the sky cleared and it was sunny and calm to the finish at Rafters Landing.

In the race – Warren Currie jumped out to an early lead right from the start and managed to hold off a hard charging John Riess to take the win in 50:09 over the 10 km course.   James Zimmerman rounded out the podium in third. In the “touring” category – we had a group of people that cruised the river – stopping on a sand bar / taking photos / talking to people on the river banks about sup – and generally having a great time on the water.

Once everyone arrived at the River Boat – we all shuttled back to Laurier Park where the awards, draw prizes, BBQ and general hanging out went on for almost 3 hours after the finish.

Big thanks to all the sponsors of the event.
Komunity Project

There were enough prizes for everyone to win multiple items!
Starboard / Trident distribution donated the grand prize – – a Severne sails – Synergy rig package for SUP!

Top 10 Results
1 Warren Currie
2 John Riess
3 James Zimmerman
4 Jordan Zapernick
5 Robin Chapelsky
6 Rob Borrelli
7 Jason Yacey
8 Travis Blake
9 Trey Currie
10 Jonathan Puckrin

Thanks to all that helped to make this a great event.
Hope to see you next year!