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Dave Kalama

Just received a little write up from Dave Kalama about his trip up here for the 5th Annual Easy Rider SUP Cup.



I’ve traveled to a lot of places and seen a lot of what stand up paddling has become. But there is one place that impresses me the most when it comes to the true spirit of our sport. Edmonton, Canada.
While they might have a ways to go in producing top level paddlers, due to the short season they have,  they are already at the top when it comes to stoke and enthusiasm.  Lead by Warren Currie (The Easy Rider), and his passion for the sport,  Edmonton embodies the inclusiveness and stoke that stand up is all about.  Everyone I met while there just radiated stoke and passion for the sport and in the race I did.  It didn’t matter who won but rather how each person felt about their own performance or if they would have bragging rights over there buddy.  Not to mention how beautiful paddling down the river was that runs right through downtown Edmonton.
I know it’s probably not the first place you would think of to go paddling but if you ever get a chance to check it out, I would highly recommend it. Between the beauty, the people and the stoke it’s an awesome paddle destination.

Aloha, Dave Kalama